Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Friday, 2024.04.19
Modern invention has been a great leveller. A machine may operate far more
quickly than a political or economic measure to abolish privilege and wipe out
the distinctions of class or finance.

		Ivor Brown, The Heart of England


Life B.T. (Before Television)

When the younger generation asks us elders, “What did you do before there was television to keep entertained?”, it’s a difficult question to answer. Not hard difficult, but embarrassingly difficult:

We had the The Swing Wing:

“It’s a what?” It’s a Swing Wing! Because “Self-induced Whiplasher” just wouldn’t sell as well, you know.

But that’s not all! We also had Clackers! What fun! What hilarity when those things busted into pieces and flew in all directions. More thrilling than lawn darts! And they say only video games cause brain damage.

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James Lileks elaborates.

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