Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Wednesday, 2025.01.22
One reason why George Washington Is held in such veneration: He never blamed his
problems On the former Administration.

		George O. Ludcke


Steel Belted Face Lifts

I’ve come to the opinion that automobiles are like affordable plastic surgery for the masses without all the blood, gore and recovery. By simply shelling out the requisite number of bucks, you can change your identity.

Presto! Zappo! That 55 year old baggy ass of yours can be zipping around town like a teenager, Miata style. Feeling flabby and weak? Bulk up with a shiny new SUV and power your way across even the most daunting of shopping mall parking lots. And of course, what better way to mask all that ugly debt than with a luxurious Caddy, just oozing opulence.

This must be the case, because people certainly drive like somebody other than who they are when outside of their little metal bubbles.

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