Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Monday, 2024.04.29
We may not like doctors, but at least they doctor. Bankers are not ever popular
but at least they bank. Policeman police and undertakers take under. But lawyers
do not give us law. We receive not the gladsome light of jurisprudence, but
rather precedents, objections, appeals, stays, filings and forms, motions and
counter-motions, all at $250 an hour.

		Nolo News, summer 1989


When A Rose Attacks

If you ever want to know what happens to a ball like this…

…after a puppy who could barely hold this ball in her mouth when she was two months old…

…grows up and finds that long lost ball under the couch, the answer is this:

Except the pieces will be scattered hither and yon.

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