Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Saturday, 2024.07.27
The well-off like nice cars, tasteful homes, good food, and appropriate
vacations - but not the oil, gas, coal, nuclear energy, transmission lines,
timber, cement, farmland, water pumps, etc., that bring that to them. . . . The
less well-off want their versions of the same things - cool clothes, good music
players, neat cell phones, the best plasma TVs, blue-ray players, video games -
but are not interested in the hard study and discipline necessary for a society
to create the sort of educated work force that makes and deserves such

		Victor Davis Hanson


Colorado Winter

A second sizable blast of winter arrived today and Jasmine was wearing the storm’s vanguard late yesterday afternoon. Being a Scottish breed, she is built for cold weather.


So far, the chimes still sing, but the drift is building. There is less wind this go around.

Chimes VI

And for Buddha, nothing special…

Winter Buddha V

This is how I remember the winters of my youth – lots of snow and cold.

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