Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Saturday, 2024.07.27
Imaginative action is very important in life. Without it, we are less than
human. For imagination to come into being, we need decisiveness and control.
Unless we have these two factors, we cannot manifest the concentration to bring
something new into being. We should not surrender our right to decide the course
of our lives to vague propitiations of the unknown. We should explore every new
possibility that appeals to us and, with wise action, build the force of our

		Deng Ming-Dao, "365 Tao - Daily Meditations", #304


Rocky Mountain High

Spent most of the day in Breckenridge (Colorado) visiting my brother and nephew who are visiting from New York for a ski trip in the glorious Rocky Mountains. This is the view from I-70 about the Genesee exit.

Rocky Mountains

Simply breathtaking.

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