Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Tuesday, 2024.04.30
The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.

		William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"


From The Quit-Hollerin-And-Bend-Over-Fur-Yur-Brandin Department

[Ed. Many of you know I co-authored a book called the “Motivation Profile” as a response to the inadequacies of the Meyers-Briggs [personality] type indicator (MBTI). If you’ve ever been “Meyers-Briggs-ed” and bludgeoned by some nincompoop facilitator on a power trip with the results, you’ll appreciate this. For reference, the MBTI results indicate the respondent’s likely preferences on four personality traits or “dimensions”: Extraversion (E) OR Introversion (I), Sensing (S) OR Intuition (N), Thinking (T) OR Feeling (F), Judging (J) OR Perceiving (P)]

ENFJ: “Busybody”

Life’s backseat drivers. They seem to know just what’s wrong with everybody else’s life and have a plan to fix it.

INFJ: “Messiah”

Characterized by the burning desire to change the world, which desperately needs everyone to be NF.

ENFP: “Muckraker”

Creator of hype, distortion, and the perversion of media of information to be wallows of mindless emotionalism.

INFP: “Fanatic”

Always searching for an Answer with a capital A. Unlike the INFJ, they are usually openminded enough to realize the current one isn’t good enough after a few years.

ENTJ: “Tyrant”

Knows better than everyone how things should be done and works tirelessly to obtain the power to make it happen that way.

INTJ: “Crackpot”

All facts which don’t fit their theories are just wrong. The more all-encompassing and less applicable to reality the theories, the better.

ENTP: “Frankenstein”

The salvation of the world is to be found in this new nanotronic frannistan, of which he just happens to have an almost-working model…

INTP: “Nerd”

What? you mean people actually talk to each other using mouths and ears instead of keyboards????

ESTJ: “Stuffed Shirt”

No imagination, no flexibility, no common sense, no capacity for tolerance of others with different priorities.

ISTJ: “Bean Counter”

Like the ESTJ but with less vision.

ESFJ: “Gossip”

Like the Busybody, but characterized by the urge to backstab instead of trying to help.

ISFJ: “Sidekick”

Doesn’t need much meaning in life, just a person (or baby or pet or car) to spend all their time ministering to.

ESTP: “Beer Drinker”

Loud, crude, plays team sports, kisses and tells. These are the people beer commercials are made for.

ESFP: “Clown”

Always the class troublemaker, they have no respect for anybody or anything. Good at snide wisecracks.

ISTP: “Assasin”

Hates people, and is good at killing them. Young ISTP’s are good at killing pictures of people in video games.

ISFP: “Snob”

Revels in the elaborate sensations of wine and paintings and music that are completely indistinguishable to ordinary people. Likes flowers.

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