Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Tuesday, 2025.01.28
After decades of running an IV drip right into their audience, people in the
entertainment business had understandably come to think of them as rather
passive. They thought they'd be able to dictate the way shows reached audiences.
But they underestimated the force of their desire to connect with one another.

		Paul Graham


From The Objects-Are-Closer-Than-They-Appear Department

You might be aware that our Sun will be a red giant in about 15 billion years, and its size will increase dramatically beyond the Mercury orbit and we will enter the “crispy critters” phase of our evolution. But do you know that the Andromeda Galaxy will collide with our Milky Way in about 3 billion years? Then another time after 1 billion years to merge themselves. What a mess! I thought there would be some laws against this happening or at the lease some sort of EPA ruling but no such luck. There are some pretty nice simulations in MPEG, and a lot of pictures with some explanation on the web sites listed below.

So the message for today: Party like it’s 2,999,999,999! WooHoo!

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