Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Thursday, 2024.04.25
One of the incontestable findings of modern social science is that fathers are
Very Important People. I confess to having been astonished to discover just how
important we are. Important in all sorts of unexpected ways. Thus, it turns out
that almost two-thirds of rapists, three-quarters of adolescent murderers, and
the same percentage of long-term prison inmates are young males who grew up
without fathers in the house. I doubt that many fathers have understood that
their mission in life had anything to do with the prevention of rape, murder, or
long-term imprisonment among their sons.

[It would seem the same lack of understanding exists among divorce attorneys,
judges, social workers and feminists. - ed.]

		Irving Kristol, Life Without Father, Nov. 3, 1994


Blog Haiku #4

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