Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Tuesday, 2024.10.22
The television, that insidious beast, that Medusa which freezes a billion people
to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and
promised so much and gave, after all, so little.

		Ray Bradbury, The Golden Apples of the Sun


Blog Haiku #29

Watching the stars, shine.
Warm Summer evening air, still.
Dog wants to play, NOW!


Blog Haiku #28

This, a pristine tear
Made for a cheek, blushed and raw
To find a way home.


Blog Haiku #27

Brilliant rays shine
Summer solstice marks the shift
Cold wind bites my cheek


Blog Haiku #26

Fierce and ferocious,
The sky pummels a thirsty road.
Flowers bloom with thanks.


Blog Haiku #25

Thunderous hacking.
Scary monsters in my nose.
This virus owns me.


Blog Haiku #24

Noise of the city
Congestion from this Spring cold
Echo each other


Blog Haiku #23

Spry chickadees chirp.
Morning frost and crisp Spring air.
A new day begins.


Blog Haiku #22

Sweeping second hand
Marks the time
And not the tempo


Blog Haiku #21

A match is lit.
Passionate flash.
Steady flame.


Blog Haiku #20

The dog and her bone
The bird at the feeder.


Blog Haiku #19

Friend and foe.
Fiend and fair.
One becomes the other.


Blog Haiku #18

A stream flowing down a mountain.
A bloggers finger’s on a keyboard.
Gentle babbling.


Blog Haiku #17

Taunting sock puppets.
Fulfilling vilification.
Did you not see the frog?


Blog Haiku #16

Raging news feeds.
Stepping in,
I still know nothing.


Blog Haiku #15

Tracks in the log file.
Left by machines
Driven by minds.

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