Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Wednesday, 2025.01.29
There were once two friends hiking in the mountains. One was a poet, the other
was a statesman. They came to a deep ravine, and at the bottom were roaring
rapids with a narrow plank bridge spanning the gap.

"Let's climb down and write our names on the other side," suggested the
statesman. The poet refused. So the statesman went bravely down, crossed the
bridge, and wrote their names in beautiful calligraphy. Then he climbed back up.

"Someday you will murder a man," predicted the poet.

"Why do you say that?" exclaimed his companion.

"Those who will take their own lives into their hands will not hesitate to take
the lives of others."

Beware the brave man. He may be a hero, willing to risk his very life, but he
will also be willing to endanger the lives of others. After all, he is a risk
taker and therefore does not see the wisdom in conservation, compassion, and
carefulness. Such a person will threaten others, force his will upon others, and
even murder others not out of passion but out of something much more deadly -
rationale. He will justify his actions according to ideology, patriotism,
religion, and principle.

When attacked, a brave man goes forth with strength, power, and confidence. In
that boisterousness, there is little awareness of the subtle. Life is not
simple, and it takes a great deal of time to master. Perhaps that is why the
brave are youthful while the wise are old.

		Deng Ming-Dao, "365 Tao - Daily Meditations", #312


Blog Haiku #8

Piercing, sharp snow
Rides a biting wind.
Reflected in a cloudy post.

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