Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Wednesday, 2025.02.19
Backward conditioning: Putting saliva in a dog's mouth in an attempt to make a bell ring.


You Know It’s Summer When…

…you’ve spent the day with excellent friends, grilling burgers, drinking beer, sailing at 9,000 feet in the heart of the Rockies, watching Bald Eagles fly and celebrating this great nations birthday.

To get things going, no Fourth of July is off to a proper start without first giving room to the obligatory flag wearing, skateboard riding pit bull to show his stuff.

And there must be a parade.

Then it’s time for an afternoon of sailing on the Tangent (many, Many, MANY thanks to Bruce and Angie!)

And non-stop, drop your jaw, Rocky Mountain Awesomeness…

Of course, the day could only be finished with an awesome fireworks display over Dillon Reservoir.


Wednesday Morning Rose Explosion


Lily Of The Day


Thursday Afternoon Yellow Flower

I honestly don’t know what kind of flower this is, but is sure is bright and cheerful. Enjoy…


Wednesday Evening Rose


Tuesday Afternoon Yarrow


Friday Evening Rose

First of the season…


Monday Morning Columbine


Saturday Morning Columbines


Spring, Rocky Mountain Style – II

Yesterday was a beautiful Spring day, so nice I sat outside in the yard and watched the stars come out while sipping a homebrew beer (excellent batch, by the way.) Here’s what it looks like from my office window at the moment:

When this storm is done, I likely will need a shovel to clear all this Global Warming from the driveway.


Spring, Rocky Mountain Style

Less than 10 days ago, it was a crisp Spring morning with snow on the ground and glazed on the trees…

…while the robins waited for the ground to clear.

Next day, it was sunny and warm and Mother Nature was back to showing her Spring colors…

And then there is today. It’s bright, sunny and snowing…

This won’t last and doubtful there will be any need to pull out the Global Warming shovel.


Tuesday Evening Flowers


Saturday Morning Daffodils


First of the season. Ahhhhh. Spring.


Tuesday Afternoon Crocus And Bee



Tuesday Afternoon Hawk

This sharp looking bird is eyeing a vacant bird feeder while being barked at incessantly by one determined Westie, Rose.

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