Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud Wednesday, 2025.02.19
[For the major recording labels] making CD's is like printing money.

		Michael Haile, online music consultant


Thursday Afternoon Yellow Flower

I honestly don’t know what kind of flower this is, but is sure is bright and cheerful. Enjoy…


Wednesday Evening Rose


Tuesday Afternoon Yarrow


Moon Over Manhattan

Times Square, actually.

[Edit History]


The moon is in the upper left part of the image. That bright object in the upper right is a street light…or a UFO, I wasn’t really paying attention.


Friday Evening Rose

First of the season…


Where Is The Monkey?

The only primates to be found were those crawling all over the streets at the foot of this majestic building.


Rules Strictly Enforced…

…except when they’re not.


Fire In The Sky

After some relaxing time spend mixing and pouring concrete (Seriously. It’s for a walkway in the back yard.), I was cleaning up the tools when I stopped and noticed a very strange light shining on me. The sun had already set and it was getting dark, or should have been. For a split second, I thought there was a search light pointed directly at me from up above. Turning around revealed a magnificent, brilliant thunderhead rising up in the East, high enough so the crown could catch the sun just beyond the horizon. The reflected light was nothing short of spectacular.

(Click on image for larger picture.)

Monday Morning Columbine

Man Bag…

…New York City style.



I’m in the midst of the consulting gig from hell and just finished my fourth straight week commuting between Denver and New York City. Barely enough time to keep up on personal business, let alone blog. But there has been time to think about where I’m at and where I’m going. As time permits, I’ll post pictures I’ve taken along the way.

An intersection that needs no introduction…

…and perhaps one that does. Grand Central Station…

Pausing to spend time in these spaces, I wonder how many hello’s and goodbyes have happened here? How many hopes and dreams either ended or began at these intersections of human experience?


Saturday Morning Columbines


CU Boulder: “Come Pretend With Us!”

Stanley Fish blogs in the New York Times, More Colorado Follies:

“I’ve just returned from New Zealand and find that in my absence the University of Colorado – the same one that earlier this year appointed as its president a Republican fund-raiser with a B.A. in mining and no academic experience – has gifted me again, this time with the announcement of plans to raise money for a Chair in Conservative Thought and Policy.”

The best quote from his piece is:

“[G.P. Peterson, the chancellor of the Boulder campus] acknowledged that the professor of conservative thought didn’t have to be an actual conservative, and pointed out that many teachers of French “aren’t necessarily French.” (Of course the analogy doesn’t work: you don’t get to choose your country of origin; you do get to choose your political beliefs.)”

So I wonder, does a professor of woman studies actually need to be a woman to be credible? Can a white professor of black studies lecture from an authentic positon? G.P. Peterson, chancellor, CU Boulder, must believe so. Because, you know, many teachers of woodworking aren’t actually made of wood.


Blog Haiku #25

Thunderous hacking.
Scary monsters in my nose.
This virus owns me.


Blog Haiku #24

Noise of the city
Congestion from this Spring cold
Echo each other

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